E3 Training Solutions is committed to helping every day, amateur and elite athletes achieving superior performance through proven training concepts, latest science and technology. We offer Full Integrative Coaching Programs, Nutritional Programs, Performance Analysis, and more. We offer three Triathlon Teams:
The E3 Triathlon Team is deeply committed to creating a friendly and supportive environment in which we welcome athletes of all athletic levels to train, socialize, and compete in triathlons, road races, and other endurance events. We offer an ongoing enrollment through the year . (learn more and sign up!)
The E3 AGroup Elite Team is for athetes who have achieved age group success but are seeking to reach the top of the age group ranks. We support it through coaching services, sponsorship deals and more. (learn more)
The Pro Elite Tri Team is for ‘up-and-coming’ amateur athletes that have reach the top level of success in the AG ranks and met the USA Triathlon pro/elite criteria as an Age Grouper. We support it through coaching services, sponsorship deals and multimedia presence, in order to develop their athletic potential to become the elite athletes for tomorrow. (learn more)