Sign up today, and we will review your specific training history, health, current fitness levels, triathlon needs, goals, work & family commitments, and time availability before we develop any personalized program.


This program is ideal for athletes who prioritize their athletic goals, have challenging work/life schedules, value ongoing feedback and coaching interaction, and/or seek to achieve maximum performance improvements. This program addresses all triathlon performance pillars by providing constant interaction and communication to address your busy lifestyle and strike the best possible balance.

We address every element of triathlon, from training to nutrition & fueling, racing strategies, biomechanics analysis, technical advice, and data analysis (Heart Rate, Power, GPS). In other words, no service is spared, no detail is too small, and no component is neglected; your goals are OUR GOALS.

Your program is delivered weekly, including interaction with your coach to review your progress and balance your training with everyday life: work, travel, family, weather, etc. This is undeniably our most successful program, allowing us to maximize your fitness gains, knowledge, experience, and performance.

Suitable for:
  • Athletes in need a personalized program to address their specific needs, goals, and limitations.
  • Athletes who have specific performance goals and/or competitive targets
  • Athletes with challenging life schedules
  • Athletes seek to optimize every key performance element to maximize improvements and results.
  • Athletes who value frequent personal interaction, constant feedback, and personal guidance.
Program Includes:
  • 100% personalized periodization plan delivered weekly or bi-weekly (per athlete’s choice)
  • premium account.
  • Ongoing Metabolic Testing for optimal training zones using lactate/gas exchange, Oxygen muscle saturation (Moxy), CoreBody Temperature, etc.
  • Data analysis and performance modeling include power, heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), and pace using WKO5
  • Detailed fueling plan for A races
  • Race pacing plan for all A races (w/ Power/Heart Rate/Pace targets)
  • Ongoing training assessment via your training log, HRV monitoring, and feedback (phone/zoom calls)
  • One FreeSpeed Lab service, such as: Performance Bikefit -or- Performance Gait Analysis.
  • Special Discounts for all FreeSpeed Lab services like bike-fitting, aero-testing, and gait analysis.
Coaching Support:
  • Unlimited email/log access to your coach
  • Weekly phone/zoom calls (as needed it)
  • Unlimited training plan adjustments as needed.
  • Technique & skill instruction for all three sports
  • Equipment recommendations for all three sports based on your needs/goals

$475 for the Regular monthly option or $425 for the PRO option (12-month commitment)

For more info about the PRO membership (12-month commitment), click here.

For questions, Contact us today!