First busy racing weekend for E3 athletes and friends! Some of them are still getting back in shape and a few who already are training at full gas to race in coming months.
At the Hyannis Half-marathon many of our athletes had good days with PRs:
- Janna Richtrova – 1:33hr and new PR and 7th AG
- Maura Olcese – 1:37 and new PR!
- Brett Jonhston – 1:39hr and new PR!
- New E3 athlete had Aaron Beer finished with a solid 1:54hr
- Brenda Chroniak had a solid 1:56hr on her way to get back in shape
- Serenity Coyne – 2:02hr and new PR for her!
- Ed Galante had a solid 2:03hr finish, specially considering some of the bumps on the road, he had faced
Also, congrats to Boston Tri Teammates, Pat Dwyer (1:21hr), Eric Lambi (1:22hr), Matt Pokress (1:22hr), Joe Kurtz (1:26hr), Matt Coarr (1:31hr), Sean McCormick (1:38hr) and the rest who I don’t have their results yet
Andrew Thompson raced the Du the Polar Bear and finished 8th and 3rd AG! (pic below)
Kris Kaplan did a half marathon (don’t have the name of the race) finishing in 1:46hr (and new PR?)
Torben Gregersen race a 5k in German (don’t have the name yet) and he finished in 17min for a new PR!