tetst In this episode we discuss the main elements about training and racing fueling. This includes what we called the fueling trinity: Carbohydrates Fluids Electrolytes WATCH ON YOUTUBE LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD
In this short guide I teach you how to develop a simple yet highly effective fueling plan for your long run workouts and races. You can use it as a starting point to develop your fueling plan and tweak as your test it during your long runs. Whether you are training for your next marathon […]
by Coach Jorge It’s been 2 weeks since E3 Coach and elite AGer Jana Richtrova and myself arrived to the Big Island of Kona, HI for her final preparation of for the Ironman World Champion. This after her successful performance last year which led for her to want to come back again this year. However, racing in the heat […]
Simple guidelines to fuel your training sessions and races