Tips and skills you can practice in order to save up to 10 minutes for your next 70.3 and up to 25 minutes for your next Ironman.
By Coach Jana I know, I know – you are all waiting for my Timberman 70.3 race report, but since I have been slacking severely when it comes to blogging you have to read through one more race report, and the lead up to it since it was only 5 short weeks post IM Texas. […]
Racing Weekend Recap Podium domination at the @sun_multisport #patriothalf distance today! 1st Jana Richtrova and 3rd female overall Kristin Lawhorn, 1st female 30-34 (big PR), 1st 30-34 male Bashkim Zaganjori (big PR) and 3rd 35-39 female (on her 1st half!) Kara Newman AND, of course, big congrats to Aimee Sundberg on her 8th Aquabike, Brian Kearney 9th AG, Lindsey Tunak 12th AG, Lia Morelli, John Kuhns Kate Williams (and […]
Simple guidelines to fuel your training sessions and races
Ironman World Championship 2012, Triathlon, Marathon, BAA Half Marathon, Ironman Triathlon
We are getting near the end of the racing season, but our athletes are still going strong and posting great results! At the Funtastic Nantasket Tri: Brian MacIlvain finished 3rd male overall Carolyn Pfalzgraf finished 2nd female overall Diego Ibarra completed his 1st triathlon and not only that, but managed a 9th place in his age group! […]
Notables: Colin OA win, Serenity 1st Half Ironman and Rick AG win